Click over to our new Graffiti Wall. New questions will be asked each month. Be sure to add your thoughts! Please only put your first name. Remember, keep your personal information private on the internet.
I am looking for library assistants to help out during breaks in the library. Duties would include shelving books, checking in books, and organizing the library. 
If you are interested, and in grades 5,6,7 & 8, see Ms. Bouwmeester in the library this week to pick up your application.
Applications are due next Monday Sept. 30th.
All students will have an interview and a group of students will be chosen to begin training. 

Books have begun going home with students today. The other classes will get to sign out their first library book of the year later this week. 
Our kindergarten students are going through a Library Knight Training Program! As they develop their library manners and book care skills they will graduate from a Library Page, to a Library Squire and finally be knighted as a Library Knight! By the end of their training, they will be library royalty!
All students in Grade 3 - 6 (including Mrs. Turners grade 2s) will be competing to win the Golden Shelf Elf Award each month. By following simple library expectations and returning all their books each week, classes earn points to win the award. At the end of each month, the points are totalled to reveal the winner of the Golden Shelf Elf Award! Stay tuned to find out which class will win in September!

Our Fall Book Fair has arrived! The carts and boxes were delivered Friday morning and I began unpacking in the afternoon. There are so many new and exciting books that I had a hard time resisting the urge to flip through them all! I will post some pictures shortly.
Previews start on Monday morning!
Sales begin Tuesday!